EBI Group launches Risk Management Services for the Travel Industry
ConsultingEBI Group has been providing consulting services for over 20 years with a specific focus on the youth and student sector. Over the past year, it has rapidly expanded both its reach, with new offices in the UK, Israel and Asia but also in its product offerings. We are now offering schools, travel agencies, and anyone who organises youth or student group trips an effective way of assessing their risk when travelling locally in their countries or abroad (an emerging channel of travelling), and how to mitigate that risk.
The Risks of Travel Today
EBI has spent the last year consulting with suppliers, with schools, teachers and other stakeholders, including the Canadian Standards Council, on the risks associated when youth and student groups travel abroad. Unfortunately, the random terror acts in Europe have brought the issue of group safety to the fore for many who are responsible for travel abroad. However, even domestically, all too often tragedy strikes because group organisers either willfully or not ignored the fundamental principles of risk mitigation. A 15 year old boy drowned here in Canada even though he should not have been swimming under the circumstances because he had not passed the required swimming test. These are preventable accidents. Whilst, random acts of terror are much harder to predict, there are some basic steps that can be taken to minimize potential exposure.
QUAYT – Quality Assurance for Youth Travel is the EBI solution. Why is QUAYT unique? We are the first organisation to offer a full quality assured way on to how to manage and mitigate Youth/Educational Group trips. Secondly, at the heart of our system are more than 150 unique Youth trips risks, or not so unique risks but which have different impacts on Youth groups in travel and hence makes them so special and hard to control/mitigate. Our long term goal is to develop an ISO standard but we are convinced that the system we are providing is the next best solution for those who are concerned about youth or student group travelling. Our website allows you to do a self assessment to see whether you are already managing your risk and how well you are managing it. We also show you a sample of what the QUAYT system is.
So check out our new and improved website, www.ebiconsulting.ca, to find out what is happening with EBI. And pose these questions to yourself:
- Do I know what are the risks when I send a group travelling?
- Have I done everything I can do to help mitigate those risks?