
Risk Management Self-assessment Tool

The EBI Risk Self-Assessment Tool is a questionnaire which will score your organisation in the following five areas:

  • Administration and Finance
  • Communication
  • Training
  • Safety and Security
  • Commitment and Accountability

Following the self-assessment, you will receive a free report benchmarking your organisation against similarly-sized or related organisations in our database in your industry along with EBI commentary on how to improve:

  • Benchmark against others
  • Immediate feedback on how to improve
  • Provide you with other tools to continually improve your organisation

This easy-to-use questionnaire allows you to determine how prepared your organisation is for unforeseen events or incidents. The EBI Team will be happy to help you and answer questions arising from the test or to do follow-up work with you.

EBI’s confidentiality policy will guarantee that your individual answers will not be shared with anyone and that only aggregate scoring will be used for scoring purposes in the EBI risk management database.

There are thirty questions in total; it should take ten to fifteen minutes to complete. If you encounter any difficulties with the questionnaire, please contact us at joel.marier@ebiconsulting.ca

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